Sustainability today for a better future tomorrow

Environmentally conscious vacation

Harmony with nature, cultivated areas, resources and people has top priority, contributing significantly to the preservation of economic, ecological and social value. We believe that the qualitative development of tourism is a sustainable economic factor that enables the interaction of agriculture, the tourism industry, the leisure industry and social life.  

The UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has developed a clear definition for this: "Tourism that takes full account of current and future economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts, while respecting the needs of visitors, the tourism industry, the environment and the local population."

Sustainability pervades many aspects of our region and is gaining increasing attention. The following content is intended to help you make conscious and mindful decisions to create a vacation that preserves the natural habitat.

In addition to our 17 eco-label certified accommodations, the Schladming-Dachstein "Genusspartner" as well as the numerous "green projects" and energy-saving measures implemented by our local providers also contribute to ensuring that you can enjoy a relaxing and environmentally conscious stay. As a holiday destination, we not only offer comfort and quality, but also a special commitment to protecting our environment.

ÖBB Bahnhof Zustieg Bahnfahrt | © ÖBB Harald Eisenberger

Car-free arrival

On the rails

Start your vacation without traffic jams and stress. ÖBB Eurocity and Intercity trains run every two hours from various directions through the Ennstal valley. There is even a direct connection from many Austrian cities. All our bus routes are also included in the KlimaTicket Styria or Austria.

Whether with the ÖBB Urlaubs-Express from Vienna, by train from Sweden, Germany or Prague via Budweis to the region, the offer is constantly being expanded.

Mobility on site 

Rethink, get on board!

With our special hiking and valley buses, you can experience unique hikes that take you from valley to valley to your desired destination. The extensive bus network down into the valleys and the train connections provide a relaxed alternative so that you can get comfortable and sustainable transportation during your vacation. Stress-free and without searching for a parking space. Moreover, with the Schladming-Dachstein Sommercard you usually travel free of charge.

In the online descriptions of mountain and hiking tours as well as in the Sommercard booklet, the options of car-free travel are listed. 

With the respective ski bus (free of charge with a valid ski ticket) you reach comfortably and without stress your favorite ski mountain in the Schladming-Dachstein region.

And if you are out and about without skis, simply use the tailor-made winter hiking ticket to enjoy exploring the mountains by foot.


E-mobility in the Schladming-Dachstein region is now supported by the provision of over 50 charging stations for electric vehicles with over 125 charging points. And the trend is rising sharply. The further expansion of the charging infrastructure has high priority and is supportet by cooperation efforts with E-STMK.

There are already over 30 charging stations for e-bikes for Bosch batteries. These charging facilities are located in the huts, with additional standard sockets.

TIP: Try "Bike & Hike" and challenge yourself. Cover the journey to the hiking starting point by bike and then enjoy the ascent up the mountain. This is a great way to improve your health, have fun and help the environment at the same time.

Einmal angekommen steigst Du gerne um auf´s Bike?! Perfekt. Für E-Bikes gibt es bereits über 30 Ladestationen für Bosch Akkus sowie viele zusätzliche Standard-Steckdosen für selbst mitgebrachte Ladegeräte.

TIPP: Versuch es doch mal mit "Bike & Hike" und fordere Dich selbst heraus. Überbrücke die Anfahrt zum Wander-Startpunkt mit dem Rad und genieße dann den Aufstieg auf den Berg. So förderst Du Deine Gesundheit, hast Spaß und unterstützt dabei noch die Umwelt.

E-filling stations in the region

certified companies

Acting responsibly for nature

Those who travel sustainable, strive to have as little impact as possible on nature and the environment at their vacation destination. At present, 17 hotel facilities (including one campsite and three restaurants) with awards already support our commitment to protecting nature. These businesses, certified with the Austrian Ecolabel, have undergone a strict audit and are committed to preserving the basis of life, looking after the well-being of guests and saving on operating costs at the same time. Organic food from regional suppliers is just as much a matter of course as the responsible use of water and energy.

Organic, regional, safe - this is the motto of the 15 certified organic accommodation providers that have undergone the strict inspection of Bio Ernte Austria. Organic partner businesses such as organic stores, direct marketers, an organic golf course or the Ramsauer Bioniere (bionics) expand the sustainable and ecological offer of our region. Real nature-oriented experiences await you at over 100 "Holidays on the farm" country houses, cabins and farms. Local produce, authenticity and living tradition are the order of the day here.

Direktvermarkter Wieslechnerhof | © Netzwerk Kulinarik/

Regional cuisine

Schladming-Dachstein Genusspartner & Almkulinarik by Richard Rauch

When it comes to sustainability, it is of course also about culinary delights, or more precisely about regional products and food. And our region has plenty to offer. We want to promote this diversity and quality with the "Schladming-Dachstein Genusspartner" project and encourage the networking of agriculture and direct marketers with local accommodation and catering establishments.

With the Almkulinarik by Richard Rauch project and the cooperation with Wein Steiermark, the focus is shifting towards sustainable gastronomy and regionality. The concept emphasizes first-class Styrian gourmet cuisine with authentic creativity. At selected alpine pastures and huts, all of which are within easy walking distance, 4-toque chef Richard Rauch has been interpreting a special alpine menu with Styrian wine accompaniment together with our hut hosts throughout the summer and winter since 2019.

This innovative combination brings the highest level of regional cuisine to the heart of the mountains and is the perfect occasion for a "culinary feast" in the region.

The tourism association has been setting very specific priorities in the area of employee retention for some time now. In addition to individual projects together with schools, WIFI or AMS, Schladming-Dachstein 2022 has created its own professional "employer brand" in order to improve the image of tourism professions, increase appreciation and make employment in the region attractive for everyone.

The Schladming-Dachstein Region thus offers exciting prospects for employees. A family atmosphere, diverse leisure experiences and events such as the Community Days or the major team event "Heroes of the Season" further enhance the working environment.

  • Benefitcard Summer & Benefitcard Winter - Attractiveness of the region as a workplace, creation of benefits, appreciation, getting to know tourist offers in the region.
  • Employee events - Heroes of the Season, Grill & Chill Clubbing, Community Days - serve to network employees, show appreciation and increase well-being and satisfaction.
  • Further training - courses, webinars and information meetings.
  • Marketing - Sub-website on the topic of working and living in the region. Employees can find all information on benefits, training, events and vacancies here.

Tasche mit Vorgeschichte

Unser neues Upcycling-Projekt

Aus alten Werbebannern wurden trendige Taschen gemacht. Denn: Verschwendung kommt bei uns nicht in die Tüte.

Wir haben das gesamte Material aus unserer Außenwerbekampagne upgecycelt, anstatt es zu entsorgen. Insgesamt wurde so etwa 580 m² Material, das normalerweise entsorgt worden wäre, wiederverwendet. Das Ergebnis? 100% Recycling und 100% Müllvermeidung. 

Nachthimmel am Sölkpass | © Zoltán Kolláth

Schutz des Nachthimmels im Naturpark Sölktäler

Auf dem Weg zum internationalen Sternenpark

Der Naturpark Sölktäler strebt die Zertifizierung als „internationaler Sternenpark“ bei DarkSky International an, um den Nachthimmel über den Sölktälern vor zunehmender Lichtverschmutzung zu schützen. Als Teil dieses Projekts werden Maßnahmen wie nachhaltige Außenbeleuchtung und Aufklärung zur Reduzierung von künstlichem Licht umgesetzt. Dieses Engagement fördert nicht nur den Schutz der natürlichen Dunkelheit, sondern auch die Gesundheit von Mensch und Tier.

Erfahre mehr über die nachhaltigen Schritte des Naturparks und die Bedeutung des Schutzes unseres Sternenhimmels.

© Armin Walcher

"Green" fun on the slopes

Riesneralm - 100% green power from in-house generation

The Riesneralm ski resort in Donnersbachwald - the only ski resort in Austria where the snowmaking system is directly connected to a hydroelectric power plant - is making a particularly positive "ecological mark". This five-million-euro investment generates around 6 million kWh of electricity, twice as much as the entire ski resort needs for lift operation, catering and snowmaking. The surplus green electricity is enough for over 850 households and is fed into the public energy grid. The Riesneralm was presented with the "Sustainable Certified Energy Management" award for this project.

© Max Kollau

Ski resorts under (solar) power

Photovoltaic systems: Planai - Hochwurzen - Dachstein - Galsterberg

All areas that can be used for photovoltaics have been identified and suitable photovoltaic systems have been planned. The projects are implemented year after year in order to continuously increase in-house power generation. The goal of Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen is to use all areas suitable for solar power generation by 2030. In 2022, 36,000 kWh of electricity was generated from solar energy. In 2023 it was already 181,000 kWh. For comparison: a 2-person household consumes an average of 3,095 kWh per year.

  • Planai lift mountain station: 22,6 kWp – since 2019
  • Lärchkogellift mountain station PV wind wall: 8,8 kWp – since 2020
  • Planet Planai: 158 kWp – since 2022
  • Galsterbergalmbahn valley station main- & cash office building: 54 kWp – since 2023
  • Hochwurzen mountain station: 42 kWp – since 2023
  • Rohrmoos 1 mountain station – since 2024
  • Dachstein cable car mountain station (125 kWp)  – since 2024

Organic fuel

Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen switches to fossil-free diesel fuel "HVO100"

In January 2024, all 22 snow groomers on the Planai, Hochwurzen and Galsterberg for a total slope area of 300 ha, a large part of the Planai bus fleet and the entire company fleet of 36 vehicles were converted to HVO fuel.

HVO100 is a hydrogenated oil. It consists of vegetable and animal fat waste. The fuel is produced synthetically and produces a high-quality fuel from renewable raw materials. The structure is identical to fossil diesel. Only palm oil-free HVO fuel is used on the Planai-Hochwurzen lifts. This saves around 2600 tons of CO² per year.

 What are the ecological aspects of using HVO100?

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by around 90 (incl. all indirect and direct emissions)
  • Less consumption of HVO100 than diesel for the same performance
  • Reduction in AdBlue consumption of 8 - 10 %


Bergstadt Schladming | © Gerhard Pilz

Best Tourism Village by UNWTO


Schladming was awarded the title of "Best Tourism Village 2023" by the UNWTO, underlining the sustainable design of its offerings. The award recognizes villages that are leading the way in caring for rural areas and preserving landscapes, cultural diversity, local values and culinary traditions.

Among the many innovative projects, the implementation of events under the "Green Events" label, the circular economy project "Less waste for a better life" (which is now practiced in all areas of the municipality) or the dense network of public transport services and resource-saving lifts were decisive for the award and thus enable environmentally friendly tourism.