Health goes through the gut! - Impression #1 | © Gesundheit geht durch den Darm | kuL Öblarn

Health goes through the gut!

[ku:L] Kunst- & Kulturhaus Öblarn

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.

The "bacterial forest" in our gut is the subject of a medical revolution! A capital that we must preserve and revitalize throughout our lives! Because the more diverse the bacterial colonization, the better it is for our digestion, our immune system and our psyche.

We live healthier and prevent diseases.

Anika Schwingshackl, pharmacist and author of "Effective fasting - restarting with the power of nature", lets the knowledge of our intestinal flora "blossom" in her lecture.

Tickets: via Whatsapp Tel 0664 8600300 or by phone or to

[ku:L] Kunst- & Kulturhaus Öblarn
Öblarn 26
8960 Öblarn

[ku:L] Kunst- & Kulturhaus Öblarn
Öblarn 26
8960 Öblarn