Aniada a Noar | © Aniada a Noar

Aniada a Noar in Compagnia

Schwab'n Stall in Weißenbach

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.

The village community of Weißenbach and the cultural department of the market town Haus im Ennstal are pleased to finally welcome again the group ANIADA A NOAR, known far beyond our borders, together with the Italian TRIO ALTHRIO in the Schwab'nstall.
Already for 40 years the "Noarn" Andreas Safer, Wolfgang Moitz and now Lothar Lässer perform together. With guitar, violin, accordion, flute, Jew's harp and other often bizarre instruments they play and sing their way into the hearts of the audience.
Emma Montanari with her stirring voice and the exceptional Friulian violinist Giulio Venier, together with the versatile guitarist Flavio Bortuzzo, are among the most outstanding musicians of Friuli. The long-standing friendship of the musicians from the different regions leads to profound musical explorations.
We are looking forward to a musical treat in our Schwab'nstall.
Ticket reservations please contact Ernestine Putre, +43 664 46 77 185 or by mail

Schwab'n Stall in Weißenbach

Dorfgemeinschaft Weißenbach
Ernestine Putre
8967 Haus
+43 664 46 77 185