Wifi education offensive

As part of the WIFI education offensive, three courses are offered at the Höflehner Nature and Wellness Hotel. All three courses are held in German. 

From colleague to manager

How to master your new role

When: 27 to 28 May 2024 
Where:  Nature and wellness hotel Höflehner
Language: GERMAN

Taking on a management role is an attractive career opportunity for many. As a manager, you take responsibility for the successful performance of your employees and the achievement of the company's goals. This requires not only your technical knowledge, but also your social and methodological skills to a high degree.


When: 12 June 2024
Where: Nature and wellness hotel Höflehner
Language: GERMAN

In the hectic pace of everyday life, there is often too little time for planned feedback discussions and a spontaneous situation can lead to emotionally charged criticism, which can have a destructive rather than constructive effect. Yet it is precisely feedback that offers the opportunity for growth and the realisation of a person's full potential! Because as we all know: "You learn from your mistakes!" and so it is the task of a manager to support his/her team in the best possible way! 

Team development

Your team, your success

When: 19 June 2024
Where: Nature and wellness hotel Höflehner
Language: GERMAN

We understand team development to mean all measures that are taken to improve the conditions for working together. The focus of the seminar is on developing a sustainable team structure in which employees flourish and look forward to working together. Only the best managers are able to create a team from a group of different types that has the right mindset to do a successful job proactively and with full motivation.

Schladming - Dachstein