DIE NIERE Bitterböse Beziehungskomödie von: Stefan Vögel - Impression #1 | © Die Niere - bitterböse Beziehungskomödie | kuL Öblarn

DIE NIERE Bitterböse Beziehungskomödie von: Stefan Vögel

[ku:L] Kunst- und Kulturhaus Öblarn

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.

Götz: Joe Katsch
Diana: Eva Burmann
Kathrin: Sonny Blaickner
Arnold: Manfred Sommersgutter

Director: Alex Linse / Actor and director
Kathrin needs a kidney. Her husband Arnold could donate one to her. But the
successful architect not only has no time, but is also very afraid of an organ donation.
organ donation. Should a man who really loves his wife ......??

This topic also reveals many a hidden thing!!!

www.Pinzgauer-SpielART.at wishes good entertainment!

Tickets: via Whatsapp Tel 0664 8600300 or by phone or to tickets@kultur.st

[ku:L] Kunst- und Kulturhaus Öblarn

[ku:L] Kunst- und Kulturhaus Öblarn
Öblarn 26
8960 Öblarn
+43 664 8600300