HoamArt - Impression #1 | © Verein auf der Pürgg


Pfarrhof Pürgg (2.Stock)

ATTENTION! The event has already taken place.

Corona has given many people the time to redefine themselves - both in life and musically. This was also the case for Astrid Schachner, Kathi Wolff, Michi Humpl and Franzi Lemmerer, who came together without further ado for a "commissioned performance" by the association on the Pürgg. The "HoamArt" project was born.

The first rehearsals were primarily about finding each other and defining where the journey should take them - traditional folk music, hits from the charts, old "rags" or even jazz. Without further ado, the four musicians decided to simply interpret all styles in their own way. The musical composition is very special: the focus is clearly on polyphonic singing, which is "garnished" with the instruments piano, double bass, Styrian harmonica, guitar, flute and clarinet.

So if you want to hear vocal music and unusual arrangements of well-known melodies, be surprised by one or two alpine yodels or are up for unusual instrumental combinations, you can't miss the "HoamArt" concert on 29 May 2024 at 7.30 pm in the vicarage on the Pürgg.

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HoamArt - Impression #2.1

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