Movement arena - Eichleitenweg

snadné uzavřené Nordic Walking

Vlastnosti túry
Informace o túře
Trasa: 1.8 km
Doba trvání: 00:27 h
Výstup: 1 m
Sestup: 142 m
Nejlepší roční období
Coming from Gersdorf this path leads via Eichleitenweg to the beekeeping bee museum Pilz, further on to Schloss Gstatt - connecting path to Öblarn.
Popis trasy
Coming from Gersdorf this path leads via Eichleitenweg to the beekeeping bee museum Pilz, further on to Schloss Gstatt - connecting path to Öblarn.
B 320 - Abfahrt Gröbming / Mitterberg
mit dem PKW nach Gersdorf
Parkplatz Gersdorf 
Gersdorf / Mitterberg
Gersdorf / Mitterberg
Weather upheavals, rapid drops in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snowfields are objective dangers and require the right behaviour on the road. Hutkeepers are experienced mountain connoisseurs who can give good tips on the weather and the route. Lack of equipment, overestimation of one's own abilities, carelessness, poor physical condition and a wrong assessment can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: Avoid peaks, ridges and rope safety devices. In case of emergency, please dial the following emergency calls: No. 140 - Mountain rescue No. 112 - Euro Emergency callThe hiking, running and Nordic walking routes partly run through sensitive areas. Take care of the forest and the wild animals living in it during your activities.
Weather upheavals, rapid drops in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snowfields are objective dangers and require the right behaviour on the road. Hutkeepers are experienced mountain connoisseurs who can give good tips on the weather and the route. Lack of equipment, overestimation of one's own abilities, carelessness, poor physical condition and a wrong assessment can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: Avoid peaks, ridges and rope safety devices. In case of emergency, please dial the following emergency calls: No. 140 - Mountain rescue No. 112 - Euro Emergency callThe hiking, running and Nordic walking routes partly run through sensitive areas. Take care of the forest and the wild animals living in it during your activities. For alpine routes, the basic equipment includes a hood, gloves, a good jacket and trousers. Good, waterproof shoes, sunglasses, sun protection and plenty of drinks are essential. Flashlight, maps, knives and a small first aid box are also included.

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