Edi Jäger - It's just a phase, rabbit - Imprese #1 | © E.Jäger

Edi Jäger - It's just a phase, rabbit

Cabaret - Klang-Film-Theater

POZOR! Tato událost již proběhla.

Cabaret - Edi Jäger

Puberty is bad. Of course it is. But not as bad as: Age puberty!                     
Age puberty loves peace and quiet, hiking, the word “former” and pop concerts with seats. Male age pubescents squeeze their round over-40 bodies into wetsuits and start a kitesurfing course. Or strive for a marathon career. Female age pubbers like to take refuge in spirituality and want to “rediscover themselves”. They go on yoga courses or walk the Camino de Santiago, they want to spice up their sex life or make jam. Sounds frightening? It is. But above all it's very funny, sometimes unintentionally funny ... A small consolation: age puberty is the largest population group in Europe. You are not alone.

I have rarely heard so many people laugh so heartily! (organizer)
... it was madness in a positive sense, my husband and I had sore muscles from laughing today. (Spectator)

An absolute hoot. It's just a phase, Hare is one of the funniest programs of the year for me.
There he is again! The hunter of humor that was thought lost, the prince of stand-up comedy... there was movement in the diaphragms again. It was time to laugh ... For two hours he pummeled the majority of the over-40s in the audience with a staccato of punchlines ... staring at a furious hunter. What fun.

Texts: Maxim Leo & Jochen Gutsch

Admission: € 25,-/ KFT members € 20,-


Edi Jäger - It's just a phase, rabbit - Imprese #2.1 | © E.Jäger