Puppet theatre with Yvonne and Tamara - Impression #1 | © Puppentheater | kuL Öblarn

Puppet theatre with Yvonne and Tamara

ÖHA - Öblarner Haus für alle

UWAGA! Event już miał miejsce.

Tri trat trallala, tri tra trallala, ....
Children, children, soon it will be that time again - Punch will be visiting us in the k:ul.
But as always, his curiosity and busyness get him into a lot of trouble.
How will he get out of it this time.....? Come and join Punch in his new adventure, he's looking forward to seeing you!

A puppet show in 2 acts with Yvonne and Tamara.

Masking desired!
Ice rink open
As always, there will be a carnival doughnut for everyone during the break.

A puppet show with Yvonne and Tamara.

Tickets: via Whatsapp Tel 0664 8600300 or by phone or at tickets@kultur.st

ÖHA - Öblarner Haus für alle
Öblarn 99
8960 Öblarn

[ku:L] Kunst- & Kulturhaus Öblarn
Öblarn 26
8960 Öblarn