Afternoon with St. Nicholas without his helper "Krampus" in Michaelerberg-Pruggern
Dorfplatz Pruggern
UWAGA! Event już miał miejsce.
St. Nicholas comes at about 14.00 with a horse-drawn carriage - no Krampusse!
- every child is invited to take a horse-drawn sleigh ride with St. Nicholas.
- at the village square in Pruggern with refreshments from the association "Schönes Michaelerberg-Pruggern
- free entrance
Miejsce wydarzenia
Dorfplatz Pruggern
8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern
8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern
Verein "Herzlich hergricht - Dahoam in Michaelerberg-Pruggern"
Gerlinde Schwarz
8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern
+43 664 3883771
Gerlinde Schwarz
8965 Michaelerberg-Pruggern
+43 664 3883771