Joan Baez – I Am A Noise - Impression #1 | © Polyfilm

Joan Baez – I Am A Noise

Culturcentrum Wolkenstein

USA 2023, 113 minutes, directed by Karen O'Connor, Miri Navasky, Maeve O'Boyle

With Joan Baez, Mimi Farina, Bob Dylan, David Harris

For more than 60 years, Joan Baez has been one of the most recognizable voices in popular culture, influencing
generations of key artists and people around the world with her songs but also her upright, combative attitude.

Now the most important American folk singer looks back on her career and her life. In open, unvarnishedly honest 
conversations that reveal unexpected personal struggles and inner demons, she offers a deep look into her soul. The
result of this documentary is a cinematic document of rousing power that creates a worthy monument to an
extraordinary woman.

Advance sale price: EUR 7,00
CCW-members: EUR 5,00
Box office sale: EUR 9,00
Box office CCW-members: EUR 7,00
The tickets are available at: +43 3682 23250 or via email at

Culturcentrum Wolkenstein
Bahnhofstraße 110
8950 Stainach-Pürgg

Culturcentrum Wolkenstein
Mag. Helmut Günther
Bahnhofstraße 110
8950 Stainach-Pürgg
+43 3682 23250

Woensdag 05.06.2024 from 19:30 Uhr

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