Öblarner Freibad - Impression #1

Öblarner Freibad


Opening times:

Early May to early September - daily from 10:00 to 19:00 clock



Closed in bad weather. Open on Fridays until 5 pm even in bad weather!

Öblarn Open Air Pool

Free entry to the Öblarn swimming pool

Outdoor pool with charm, umbrellas, sunbeds and swimming pool buffet!


Okres świadczenia usługi

Od 17.05.2024 do 31.08.2024
Pon. Wt. Śr. Czw. Pt. Sob. Niedz.


By car: B 320 - Öblarn - through the village towards Walchen; Public transport: from Öblarn railway station distance 850 m (12 min)
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  • Bez barier
  • Przystosowane do wózków dziecięcych

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