Roßfeld Nature Path

eenvoudig Hiking · Schladming

Parcours: 3.83 km
Duur: 01:45 h
Beklimming: 277 m
Afdaling: 277 m
Beste jaargetijde
De tour

Roßfeld Nature Path teaches about Fauna and Flora of the region (in German only). It is an easy hike for people of every age. The wide and easy hiking trail first takes you down to Hüttecksattel mountain saddle and from there up to Roßfeld (meaning "steed meadow" or "steed fur"). The Roßfeld Nature Path is an extended variant of the "Bankerlweg" family trail. Up on the way to Roßfeld summit you pass by an 1000-year-old pine tree. On top the "summit sculpture" shows the coat of arms of Rohrmoos.


Vom Wanderportal auf der Hochwurzen (1.852 m) folgst du der Beschilderung Richtung Osten. Über 3 Kehren wanderst du zu Beginn über die Skipiste und gleich darauf unterhalb der Hochwurzenhütte zur Hochwurzenalm (die Hochwurzenalm im Sommer nicht bewirtschaftet). Vorbei an der Alm wanderst du über die „Kleine Wurzen“ (1.840 m) und steigst auf dem Wurzelsteig bis zum Hüttecksattel (1.744 m) ab.

Über viele Kehren windet sich der schön angelegte Waldsteig nun auf das Roßfeld (1.919 m). Auf dem Weg informieren Schautafeln über Flora und Fauna der Region. Der Höhenrücken des Roßfeld liegt bereits über der Waldgrenze und gewährt herrliche Fernsichten. Danach wanderst du zuerst am selben Weg zurück. Auf dem Hüttecksattel angekommen, links auf den Waldweg abbiegen. Dort geht es weiter bis zu einer Forststraße, wo du von einem Hochstand schöne Ausblicke genießt. Kurz die Forststraße bergauf und du erreichst wieder den Wanderweg Richtung Hochwurzen.


Am Naturlehrpfad bieten sich auch zwei kürzere Varianten über den „kleinen Hochwurzenrundweg“ (ca. 30 Minuten) oder den „großen Hochwurzenrundweg“ (ca. 1 Stunde) an.

From Schladming into the direction of Rohrmoos on provincial highway L722, at the roundabout Rohrmoos continue straight ahead to the Gipfelbahn Hochwurzen cable car.
With the Planai buses from Schladming (Planet-Planai, Lendplatz) or Rohrmoos (Rohrmoos-Zentrum) to the valley terminal of Gipfelbahn Hochwurzen cable-car.
Parking is available at the valley terminal of Gipfelbahn Hochwurzen cable car.
Hiking trail head, Hochwurzen mountain terminal
Hiking trail head, Hochwurzen mountain terminal

Changes in weather patterns, quick falls in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snow are some of the dangers that can be encountered on a hiking tour. Hosts of alpine huts and mountain refuges have a lot of experience in the mountains and can give good advice about weather and the trails. Poor equipment, overestimation of one's own capabilities, carelessness, poor personal constitution and/or wrong judgement  can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: avoid summits, ridges and steel ropes.

GPS data and orienteering

Available GPS data - just like hiking maps - is only a guidance for orientation and can never depict a trail exactly with all its details. Especially at dangerous spots it is essential to judge on site how to proceed.

In an emergency please call:

  • 140 - for Alpine emergencies (all over Austria)
  • 112 - European GSM emergency number

Changes in weather patterns, quick falls in temperature, thunderstorms, wind, fog and snow are some of the dangers that can be encountered on a hiking tour. Hosts of alpine huts and mountain refuges have a lot of experience in the mountains and can give good advice about weather and the trails. Poor equipment, overestimation of one's own capabilities, carelessness, poor personal constitution and/or wrong judgement  can lead to critical situations. In case of thunderstorms: avoid summits, ridges and steel ropes.

GPS data and orienteering

Available GPS data - just like hiking maps - is only a guidance for orientation and can never depict a trail exactly with all its details. Especially at dangerous spots it is essential to judge on site how to proceed.

In an emergency please call:

  • 140 - for Alpine emergencies (all over Austria)
  • 112 - European GSM emergency number
A well-packed backpack is helpful and especially when touring Alpine terrain a tuque, gloves, a windproof jacket and pants are standard equipment. Good, waterproof shoes, sun glasses, sun cream and sufficient beverages are essential too. Torch light, a map of the area, knie and a small first-aid kit should also be in the backpack.

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Datum kiezen
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Plenty of rain until the afternoon, then drying up in the afternoon.
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
Plenty of rain at first, then the clouds will break up in the afternoon.
's morgens
's middags
's avonds
The day will be dry, but mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells.

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